19 Gen 2023

Villa Reale

Giovedì 19 gennaio - dalle 9.30 alle 12.30 - Villa Reale di Monza
Conferenza finale Progetto Tangram
Progetto europeo per la valorizzazione turistica di parchi e giardini nell'area Adriatica e Ionica.

The final conference will be focused on the main results achieved by the Tangram project, aiming at promote ADRION brand name in tourism by promoting a sustainable valorisation and integration into the tourism offer the Parks as hidden resources by an innovative governance system based on the collaboration between public and private.

Link for on-line participation 

9:30 – 9:45 Registration of the participants
9:45 – 10:00 Welcome and institutional greetings 
- Egidio Longoni – Deputy Mayor of Municipality of Monza
- Arianna Bettin - Councillor of Municipality of Monza with Delegations to Park, Villa Reale, Culture, University 
- Carlo Abbà - Councillor of Municipality of Monza with Delegations to Work, Commerce and Productive Activities, Territorial Marketing, Digital Transition 
- Corrado Beretta - Consortium of the Villa Reale
- Giuseppe Redaelli - Presidente Autodromo Nazionale Monza
10:00 – 10:15 Achieved results of the project “TANGRAM - Transnational pArks aNd Gardens Resources in Adriatic and Ionian tourist Marketplace” Giulia Righetti – Project coordinator
10.15 – 10.45 Future opportunities of the Interreg ADRION Programme  - Emilia Romagna Region  - Lucia Calliari – Project Officer
10:45 – 11:00 SESSION I Valorisation of  emerging tourist destinations in a low season
       Claudio Repossi - Aria spa Azienda regionale per l’innovazione e gli acquisiti
11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break Azienda Speciale Scuola P. Borsa
11:30 – 11:45 The promotion of the “authentic villages” thanks to local participation: the ADRIONET project – Maura Mingozzi. Emilia Romagna Region 
11.45 – 12.00 Wool as Outstanding Opportunity for Leverage for small tourism destination: the WHOOL project – Eva Canevarolo, Diego Santaliana, Upper Adriatic Technology Pole Andrea - Galvani SCPA
12:00- 13:00 SESSION II – The tools for the promotion of a sustainable tourism model starting from the urban parks in TANGRAM project
- The Transnational Action Plan and the pilot actions implemented in the Adrion area – Angela Nazzaruolo, Delta 2000
- Virtual Tour in Park of Monza – Giovanni Pellino Minilab srl

SESSION III Case study. InReale: Monza Virtual Garden Tour
- The construction of a historical-virtual itinerary in the park of Monza - Marina Rosa President of CDRR (Centro Documentazione Residenze Reali) 
- Immersive virtual experiences in the Royal Gardens
13:00- 13:30 BUFFET LUNCH by the students of the school IPSSEC “Adriano Olivetti”