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22 June

62° edeizione della Monza-Resegone e anche il suo centenario 1924 - 2024
Piazza Roma, 20900 Monza MB
Until 31 August

From 01 June
Your summer in the city!
Piazza Trento e Trieste 1, 20900 Monza MB
8 September

Fighting Ataxia - The Run
Non-competitive charity walk and run
Cascina San Fedele viale Cavriga, 20900 Monza MB
11 September

FESTIVAL DELLE GEOGRAFIE - Aspettando il festival...
Theatrical storytelling performance
Teatro Binario 7 via Turati 8, 20900 Monza MB
14 September

comes into play
An afternoon to promote inclusion
2 hours
Via Cascina del Sole 1, 20900 Monza MB